“Wade Taylor has authored four devotional books which have touched countless lives around the world, The Secret of the Stairs, Waterspouts of Glory, Unlocking the Mysteries of the Kingdom, and Being Made Ready A Daily Devotional.
His walk with the Lord began in the mid 1950’s when The Lord called him to sell two successful businesses - a general insurance agency and a cable television company, in order to more fully concentrate on preparation for the Lord’s calling on his life.
In the fall of 1956, Wade enrolled as a student at Eastern Bible Institute (EBI) in Green Lane, Pennsylvania where one of his teachers, Walter Beuttler, had a profound influence on his life. Beuttler encouraged his students to cultivate a personal and experiential knowledge of the Lord.
Through the example of Beuttler’s personal walk with the Lord, and the “impartation” of his teachings into Wade Taylor’s life, two transforming qualities were established:
The value of spending quality time, “Waiting on the Lord.”
Seeking to cultivate a hearing ear in order to better hear the voice of the Lord, and respond to His presence.
After graduating from Eastern Bible Institute, Wade purposed to start a church in the city of Philadelphia, but the Lord had different plans. For the next 35 years, he was involved in ministry in two different Bible Schools.
In 1998, due to having received a very specific word from the Lord to relocate to the Nation’s Capital, Wade moved to Washington, DC. He had an on-going burden for the establishing of the Kingdom of God.
The much coveted qualities of spiritual excellence, which have been the defining attributes of his life and ministry, are now being imparted to the Body of Christ at large through His web site, www.wadetaylor.org, and the four books he has published, which are available on his publications website, www.wadetaylorpublications.org.
On February 29, 2012 Wade went home to be with the Lord. Wade continues to be greatly beloved by the Lord’s people as one who had a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, with a clarity and simplicity that draws one up into a closer walk and deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Words can not express how much I miss you. Wade you were a true spiritual father, you were always just a phone call away, your prayers were powerful and your love always felt. It brings me to tears every time I think about the difference you made in my life over the 20 + years I had known you. I will see you again in eternity. I promise to make you proud as I run my race. ”