"The Beauty of the Lord" Given by Steve Porter Parousia Prayer Chapel Wade Taylor Ministries Nanjemoy, MD We now live in day where we do not have to fear coming before the Lord. (See Hebrews 4:16.) We are invited to come with bold confidence to the throne of grace, because Jesus' paved the way with His very lifeblood.
The Lord desires to come and meet with you as a friend in the middle of the night. Will you answer the knocks?
You will come through that terrible Wilderness Perfumed by His Presence! Steve Porter gives a message about the wilderness experience. For those that feel God is a million miles away, where confusion and doubts visit often, where you feel you have lost your direction...Fear Not...
A special message by Steve Porter given at Greater Glory Revival Center in Brockport, NY with Pastor and Apostle Kevin Stevens
There is not one person to far gone for God to reach, to restore, and to revive. He is the God of restoration and behold He makes ALL things new! This is message 2 given by Steve Porter at the Dubois Meetings at Grace Fellowship Church.
A Prophetic word was given by Steve Porter to the Bride of Christ. We are called to carry the glory of God!